Stop Bullying Now!!
Anti-Bully Project
I once heard someone say: “Never miss out on a good crisis” Bullying is one such crisis that actually brings with it a huge opportunity. In essence an individual gets bulled with lies, facts and fear but the truth of God’s Word trumps lies, facts and fear.
Stop Bullying Now!!
History and Background
According to the TIMSS 2019 a study that run since 2011 students were asked about bullying and 29% reported to being bullied monthly and 8% reported to being bullied weekly. “Reports from fourth grade students” about being bullied were related to their average achievement in mathematics and science…bullied students {had} substantially lower average[s].”
In 2015 at Grade 4/5 levele, South Africa showed the highest incidences of learners being bullied on a weekly basis (44%). 49 countries participated in this survey and SA’s rate is more than double the average of the TIMSS international standard.
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Why the Anti-Bullying Campaign?
With all the amazing programs that are currentley out there one can still raise the question of how effective the current anti-bullying programs are, because a 2019 – pre-covid – survey showed that South Africa still has one of the highest bullying statistics in the world! If what is out there really works then why is there still a bullying problem? Many specialist in the field will argue that the bullying problem is a lot more complicated, lack of empathy, social medias metaphorical magnifying glass and that the problem usally starts at home.
Another valid point is that the current anti-bullying projects are predominantly “hit and run” projects – schools are visited with a motovational program and then no further intervention is implemented.
We need to establish a “no bully” culture, that will inform, display and reinterate the lessons learned from the campaign and we need to facilitate it from ideally a program on national TV as well as social media platforms.
An anti-bullying activation has been spear-headed since 2011 by non other than A-list actor Jacques Gombault to schools all over South Africa about anti-bullying.

Stop Bullying Project
Jacques Gombault, MD, of Flutterby productions, uses his personal experience with bullying and years of marketing his films at schools, festivals and shows all over South Africa. Read more...About us

How can you get involved
A NPC (Non profit Company) - Jacques Gombault Impact (K2013176318) was registered and are being used to drive the "Stop Bullying Project" throughout South Africa. Read more... Get involved

Let us come and visit your school
Just contact us and let us know your school name, town, and contact details. We will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know when or if we can accommodate you. Contact us
We need to establish a "no bully" culture, that will inform, display and reiterate the lessons learned from the campaign and we need to facilitate it from ideally a program in National TV as well as social media platforms.
To achieve this the pupils, teachers and parents will need to be informed and equipped in an objective and informative way that is empowering and, dare i say it, entertaining – the children inschools must want to engage.

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Anti Bully Project
NPC – K2013176318
Banking Details:
Bank: Standard Bank
Account Number: 062857541
Branch: 015845
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